Peaches With Love: LIFESTYLE: 3 Super Easy Facebook Tricks To Get You A Lot More Views

LIFESTYLE: 3 Super Easy Facebook Tricks To Get You A Lot More Views


Hey Guys,

So as you’ll figure out if you look through my blog, I only started blogging a few months ago (only seriously the last month or two) and I remember when I first started I was getting 20-30 page views a day, and only getting these views within the first hour of posting something.  Apart from that hour, my blog would pretty much be dead.  I remember getting 67 views for one of my posts and being SO excited because to me that was A LOT at the time.  Oh to be a new blogger and to be hopeful. 

Regardless, I was smart enough to know that 67 really shouldn’t be something to be celebratory about, so I set out to find the best way to bump up my page views in the easiest and most time effective way.  I tried Stumble Upon, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.  And guys, Facebook BLEW ME AWAY!!!  I went from 67 page views on a posting day to 500 page views on a NON-posting day.  And what amazed me is that it was soooo EASY.   I literally just had to do these 3 things.

Join Blogger-Friendly Facebook GroupsThis has been the biggest thing for me.  You would be surprised how many blogger groups there are out there.  And some of them are amazing at giving bloggers an opportunity to share their blogs and social media and interact with other people’s blogs.  I personally ADORE Blog Engagement/Promotion Group and Blogging Newbs.  They encourage you to share your content with the stipulation that you show support for others work.  Which is great because it pretty much guarantees you some activity on whatever you post.  I’ve personally never posted something that got no activity from the group.  It’s also a great opportunity to check out people’s blogs and see what they are doing right or wrong and ask questions.  Everyone is REALLY nice and friendly and in the spirit of helping each other out.

Note:  If you don’t want your activity in these groups to show up on your Facebook friends’ newsfeeds, you might want double check that you are joining and posting in CLOSED groups.

Post Your Blog Post In Relevant GroupsI cannot emphasize this one enough.  Blogger groups are great for sharing pretty much all your posts, but if you want to go that little bit further and greatly boost your page views, you need to post your posts in groups that would appreciate what you have to say.  If you have an article about shoes for example, search for Facebook groups of shoe aficionados, ask to join, and post your blog post there.  Find as many groups that you think would have a specific interest in specific posts and share your material with them

Note:  Be very careful to read the rules for each group.  Some groups DO NOT allow for self-promotion so they wont appreciate you posting your posts and others have specific days or threads where you can post your stuff.  Make sure you comply with each groups rules, and try to engage in the group outside of self-promotion.  If you get people to like you, they are more likely to click on a link you post.

Use Your Current Networks - For me, this is something I’m personally still battling.  But the little progress I’ve made has encouraged me to reach out more and more.  For many new bloggers, the idea of letting all their Facebook friends and family know about their blog is a scary thing.  Your blog is like your baby, and like a baby you want to protect it from all criticism.  Because of that, many bloggers do not advertise or even allude to their blog on their personal Facebook pages.  The error with that is you are denying yourself a HUGE number of followers and page views.  Your family and friends are the BEST people to share your blog with.  They already know you, like you, and want to support you.  So you have a really high chance that most of them will at least check your blog out from time to time.  And when you have thousands of Facebook friends, ‘most of them’ equals A LOT of page views.

Note:  That being said, do yourself and your friends a favor and DON’T spamthem with self-promotion.  I would say you should be promoting your blog 2-3 times a week MAXIMUM.  And if you’ve already promoted a specific post, DON’T KEEP PROMOTING IT.  Trust that your friends have seen it, and the ones who wanted to check it out have done so.  Lets not get people un-following or god-forbid un-friending you.

So there they are.  Like I said, they are really little simple easy tricks that I promise will have a huge effect on your blog stats. 

If you have your own little tricks to boost blog traffic, please share it with all of us in the comment section and let us all learn from each other.  Also, in the spirit of boosting page views, if you post your blog’s url in the comment section along with your comment, I will visit your blog and share at least one of your posts on social media.

Until Next Time,
The Blog Enthusiast

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  1. This is great advice! Thank you!

  2. I’m hesitant about the third point, as you seemed to be too! Now I’m reconsidering it. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I like the idea of joining like-minded groups to support you!

  4. Great tips here! Facebook is my favorite SM platform, and the one I know the most about, although things are always changing. It's so important to stay on top of things by reading good posts like this! Thanks :)

  5. These are great tips! Thanks especially for the "Blogging Newbs" tip - just joined!
