Peaches With Love: NATURAL LIVING: Top 5 Ingredients To Use In Your Homemade Facial Scrub

NATURAL LIVING: Top 5 Ingredients To Use In Your Homemade Facial Scrub


1.     Honey
This is probably my favorite and most used ingredient in my facial scrubs, and for good reason.  I find that it is the easiest liquid ingredient to add to otherwise dry scrub ingredients.  It is thick enough to prevent other ingredients, such as sugar, from being too harsh on the skin while scrubbing and also thick enough to prevent other ingredients from dissolving all together and losing their texture.  Apart from being a great consistency, honey is a natural antibacterial so it is awesome for prevention and treatment of acne.  In addition, its anti-aging antioxidant, and moisturizing properties guarantee you that you skin is left smooth and glowing.  Oh and did I mention it tastes and smells great?  LOVE IT!

2.     Cinnamon
Like honey, cinnamon is an anti-bacterial so its also great anti-acne ingredient.  Cinnamon however, also has the added benefit of temporarily increase collagen levels, which help maintain a youthful appearance.  If you have oily or combination skin, this is a must have ingredient as it is known to tighten pores and keep ones face smooth and clear.  I find that cinnamon is to fine to be my main exfoliator ingredient so I don’t really use it for that purpose but I always make sure to include it.  (Mostly because I love the smell)

3.     Sugar
Sugar is my main go-to scrubbing ingredient.  While it is recommended that you do not use sugar as an exfoliant too frequently because it might be too rough on ones skin, I find that a once a week session with sugar and honey is perfectly fine.  Sugar is also a humectant like honey which means it is also awesome at moisturizing your skin.  Just make sure you don’t press too hard or at all into your skin when scrubbing with sugar.  Just gently massage it on your skin in circular motions.  I LOVE how smooth my skin feels after a sugar scrub.

4.     Oatmeal
Now if you have really sensitive skin or if you are a patient person, oatmeal is the scrub for you.  The good thing about this ingredient is, it’s the only one who need.  You don’t need to mix it with any other ingredient.  More so it is awesome at clearing pores, moisturizing skin and calming flare ups.  I have a cousin who uses oatmeal and she has the most spotless, healthy looking even skin toned skin ever (so jealous).  My only reservation with oatmeal is the preparation needed.  This is a scrub that also serves as facial cleanser so can be used daily.  Because it can go stale when wet, you cannot prepare a big batch to use for a while so you have to take daily portions, wet the oats, scrub your face and then try to get as much as you can in the bin so it doesn’t clog your drains.  It’s just a little too tedious for my liking. 

5.     Lemon
Lemon has most of the same benefits as the other ingredients on this list.  It is anti-bacterial and a great chemical exfoliant.  My main reason for using lemon however, is its skin evening properties.  Lemon is my toner ingredient.  It works to even skin tones and lighten scars and other discolorations.   Some people apply lemon overnight or use it as their daily toner but I find that it’s a bit too strong for frequent use on my skin.  Plus I DO NOT want to lighten my skin Vera Sidika style so I usually avoid anything known for lightening skin tones.  But I find that when I mix it with my other ingredients, I get all the benefits of lemon without the any unwanted lightening.

I love discovering new ingredients for facial skin so try out the ingredients and let me know how they worked for you or let me know what you use and swear by.

Until Next Time,

The Scrub Lover.

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  1. I love using honey. I used cinnamon once... too much. I felt like my skin was burning off LOL

    1. Haha that sucks. I guess everyones skin really is different.

  2. This sounds like it's really good for the skin. Will definitely have to try this out

    1. Totally. TRy it out and let me know what you think.

  3. Great list! I would also like to add coconut oil. It is a versatile oil, can be used for both skin care and beauty.


    1. Yes coconut oil works great for some people but it causes me to REALLY break out which is why I NEVER put it on my face. My hair loves it though.

  4. Girl , no skin lightening! Skin brightening, yes. I believe that only thing syou would eat shouldl go on your skin.

    1. I definitely agree with you. Pretty much everything I put on my skin and hair are kitchen ingredients. And its worked great for me thus far.

  5. I'm obsessed with skincare and always like trying natural ways to give my skin a boost. I've used honey and sugar before but never even thought about cinnamon! Thanks for sharing and can't wait to add 1 or 2 of these ingredients to my scrub next pamper night ;)

    xo - Michelle

  6. What an interesting combination of natural ingredients to use for skincare! I've heard of sugar being used as a scrub, but I never knew the benefits of cinnamon. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

  7. I love all of these ingredients. Thanks for a wonderful all-natural recipe!

    1. You're welcome. Hope they work wonderfully for you.

  8. OMG this is so great. I would love to start trying to make my own facial scrubs as they are much healthier. I'm definately going to start with the honey and sugar . Thanks Kathryn

    1. You're welcome. Enjoy experimenting. I definitely did!

  9. Sounds yummy and soothing!!!! Don't know whether to drink it or put it on my face.

    1. Trust me, I'm pretty sure I never get a scrub done with getting a few licks in there. Lol!

  10. All natural ingredients! Love it!

    1. Try some of them out and let me know how they work for you.

  11. I love making my own scrubs, definitely got some new things to try in it now!!


    1. You and me both. Enjoy the new additions!

  12. My favorite exfoliant is definitely cinnamon! I also get exasperated with oatmeal. And I find sugar is great for my hands. What do you think of baking soda? I like to scrub my nose with it to prevent blackheads, but do you think it might be too harsh?

    1. I dont know about baking soda. I know a lot of people who use it. I think I'm just always hesitant to put things on my face and baking soda is soooo alkaline i'm just scared it might be too much for me. But if it works for you stick with it. Everyone's skin reacts differently.

  13. Thanks a lot for sharing this post.Very helpful. Definitely gonna try them in my DIY scrub.

  14. I love making my own facial scrubs, as I have REALLY sensitive skin and need to know exactly what is going on my face. Thanks so much for these tips!

  15. I've never made a scrub before, and will have to add these items to my grocery list so I can make one. Thank you for sharing!!



  16. I've always meant to try making my own facial scrub, ever since I got one of those little plastic balls stuck in my eye from a drug-store brand scrub. It was so painful. I need to give this a try. - Katy

  17. those are some great ingredients. Totally agree (Y)

  18. Love this! I need to try it!

  19. I totally want to make a homemade scrub now and manuka honey is a great upgrade for the skin also.

  20. I like to mix honey and cinnamon to use on my face. I also mix sugar with coconut oil to use as a sugar scrub.

  21. I've been thinking about making my own facial scrub for a while now, and I think this just might be motivation to do it! Thanks for sharing :)

  22. I love making my own facial scubs! Sugar is the thing I always go to first. Thanks for sharing

  23. I make my own beauty products too! I don't really like scrubby ones, but my husband does so I make him sugar scrubs sometimes. I hadn't thought about putting honey in a face scrub, I'll have to try that out!

  24. These are awesome tips! I used honey yogurt once and it was nice. Going to go make a facial scrub...

  25. Scrubs are super expensive, but this looks like it would do the job AND be less costly. I am going to pin it and also try it!
    www.carolcassara.com (don't use the middle age diva link!)

  26. What a great round-up of scrub ingredients, I am definitely going to have a play with these. Brighter skin here I come!

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